====== Chrome ====== ===== 検索履歴を条件でフィルターする ===== **chrome:%%//%%history** - 履歴 を開いて [[https://myactivity.google.com/myactivity/?utm_source=chrome_h|myactivity.google.com]] (Google マイアクティビティ) にアクセスする。\\ 「アクティビティを検索」で「検索」にチェックを入れて、日付の範囲を「次よりも前」、「次よりも前」でフィルターする。\\ ===== プラグイン ===== [[https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/gofullpage-full-page-scre/fdpohaocaechififmbbbbbknoalclacl|GoFullPage - Full Page Screen Capture - Chrome ウェブストア]]\\ ===== V8 ネイティブ シンタックスを有効化する方法 [--allow-natives-syntax] ===== chrome の起動コマンドに以下のオプションを追加して起動する。\\ chrome で指定できる起動オプションの詳細は [[https://peter.sh/experiments/chromium-command-line-switches/|List of Chromium Command Line Switches « Peter Beverloo]] にある。\\ \\ **Linux**\\ $ /opt/google/chrome/chrome --js-flags="--allow-natives-syntax" & chrome-beta の Path: **/opt/google/chrome-beta/chrome**\\ **Windows**\\ > "C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe" --js-flags="--allow-natives-syntax" chrome-canary の Path: **"%USERPROFILE%\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome SxS\Application\chrome.exe"**\\ \\ ネイティブ シンタックスを有効にすると、ブラウザーで以下の **runtime.h** に記載のある各組み込み関数が使用できるようになる。\\ [[https://cs.chromium.org/chromium/src/v8/src/runtime/runtime.h|]]\\ \\ 例えば、**%GetOptimizationStatus(func)** 関数で V8 エンジンの JavaScript の最適化ステータスを取得することが出来る。\\ const printOptimizationStatus = (func) => { const wrapEval = (script) => { return (new Function(`"use strict"; return ${script};`))(); }; const isAllowNativeSyntax = () => { let native = false; try { wrapEval('%GetOptimizationStatus();'); native = true; } catch (err) { console.log('v8 engine is not running with --js-flags="--allow-natives-syntax";'); console.log('Native v8 functions are not available.'); native = false; } return native; }; const optStatusString = []; let funcName = ''; if (isAllowNativeSyntax()) { const checkBitmap = (value, bit) => { return ((value & bit) === bit); }; self._optCheckFunc = func; const optStatus = wrapEval('%GetOptimizationStatus(self._optCheckFunc);'); funcName = wrapEval('%GetFunctionName(self._optCheckFunc);'); if (checkBitmap(optStatus,1)) { optStatusString.push("is Function"); } if (checkBitmap(optStatus,2)) { optStatusString.push("Never Optimized"); } if (checkBitmap(optStatus,4)) { optStatusString.push("Always Optimized"); } if (checkBitmap(optStatus,8)) { optStatusString.push("Maybe Deopted"); } if (checkBitmap(optStatus,16)) { optStatusString.push("Optimized"); } if (checkBitmap(optStatus,32)) { optStatusString.push("TurboFanned"); } if (checkBitmap(optStatus,64)) { optStatusString.push("Interpreted"); } if (checkBitmap(optStatus,128)) { optStatusString.push("Marked for Optimization"); } if (checkBitmap(optStatus,256)) { optStatusString.push("Marked for Concurrent Optimization"); } if (checkBitmap(optStatus,512)) { optStatusString.push("Conccurently Optimizating"); } if (checkBitmap(optStatus,1024)) { optStatusString.push("Is Executing"); } if (checkBitmap(optStatus,2048)) { optStatusString.push("Topmost frame is Turbo Fanned"); } if (checkBitmap(optStatus,4096)) { optStatusString.push("Lite Mode"); } if (checkBitmap(optStatus,8192)) { optStatusString.push("Marked for Deoptimization"); } console.log(`${funcName}: ${optStatusString.join(", ")}`); } return { [funcName]: optStatusString.join(", "), }; }; ※ここでは **eval()** を使わずに **new Function()** を利用してコードを**式**として評価している。\\ \\ **optStatus bit について**\\ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 = 65 の場合 ┬ ┬ ┬ ┬ ┬ ┬ ┬ ┬ ┬ ┬ ┬ ┬ ┬ ┬ val( C++): C++ enum define name │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ └── 1(1 << 0): is function │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ └──── 2(1 << 1): is never optimized │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ └────── 4(1 << 2): is always optimized │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ └──────── 8(1 << 3): is maybe deoptimized │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ └────────── 16(1 << 4): is optimized │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ └──────────── 32(1 << 5): is optimized by TurboFan │ │ │ │ │ │ │ └────────────── 64(1 << 6): is interpreted │ │ │ │ │ │ └──────────────── 128(1 << 7): is marked for optimization │ │ │ │ │ └────────────────── 256(1 << 8): is marked for concurrent optimization │ │ │ │ └──────────────────── 512(1 << 9): is optimizing concurrently │ │ │ └────────────────────── 1024(1 << 10): is executing │ │ └──────────────────────── 2048(1 << 11): topmost frame is turbo fanned │ └────────────────────────── 4096(1 << 12): lite mode └──────────────────────────── 8192(1 << 13): marked for deoptimization // A set of bits returned by Runtime_GetOptimizationStatus. // These bits must be in sync with bits defined in test/mjsunit/mjsunit.js enum class OptimizationStatus { kIsFunction = 1 << 0, kNeverOptimize = 1 << 1, kAlwaysOptimize = 1 << 2, kMaybeDeopted = 1 << 3, kOptimized = 1 << 4, kTurboFanned = 1 << 5, kInterpreted = 1 << 6, kMarkedForOptimization = 1 << 7, kMarkedForConcurrentOptimization = 1 << 8, kOptimizingConcurrently = 1 << 9, kIsExecuting = 1 << 10, kTopmostFrameIsTurboFanned = 1 << 11, kLiteMode = 1 << 12, kMarkedForDeoptimization = 1 << 13, }; ==== 参考文献 ==== [[https://github.com/petkaantonov/bluebird/wiki/Optimization-killers|Optimization killers · petkaantonov/bluebird Wiki · GitHub]]\\ [[https://qiita.com/rana_kualu/items/9211a776da8a60e3e4c2|JavaScriptを最適化コンパイルするために避けるべきこと - Qiita]] - Optimization-killers 日本語訳\\ [[https://glebbahmutov.com/blog/detecting-function-optimizations-in-v8/|Detecting function optimizations in V8 | Better world by better software]]\\ [[https://github.com/NathanaelA/v8-Natives|GitHub - NathanaelA/v8-Natives: Access v8 Engine Natives easily in Chrome & Node]]\\ [[https://developer.mozilla.org/ja/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/eval|eval() - JavaScript | MDN]]\\ [[https://cs.chromium.org/chromium/src/v8/src/runtime/runtime.h|]]\\ ===== V8 関数最適化トレース表示を有効化する方法 [--trace_opt] ===== chrome の起動コマンドに以下のオプションを追加して起動する。\\ \\ **Linux**\\ $ /opt/google/chrome/chrome --js-flags="--trace_opt" & chrome-beta の場合\\ $ /opt/google/chrome-beta/chrome --js-flags="--trace_opt" & [marking 0x268cd08c0139 for optimized recompilation, reason: hot and stable] [compiling method 0x268cd08c0139 using TurboFan] [optimizing 0x268cd08c0139 - took 0.404, 2.006, 0.049 ms] [completed optimizing 0x268cd08c0139 ] [marking 0x36d1a5451739 for optimized recompilation, reason: small function] [compiling method 0x36d1a5451739 using TurboFan] [optimizing 0x36d1a5451739 - took 0.215, 1.031, 0.025 ms] [completed optimizing 0x36d1a5451739 ] [compiling method 0x36d1a5451739 using TurboFan OSR] [optimizing 0x36d1a5451739 - took 0.163, 0.894, 0.016 ms] [marking 0x3897e6ec0309 for optimized recompilation, reason: hot and stable] [compiling method 0x3897e6ec0309 using TurboFan] [optimizing 0x317ccf6c02d1 - took 0.815, 6.325, 0.073 ms] [completed optimizing 0x317ccf6c02d1 ] [marking 0x163adb875401 for optimized recompilation, reason: small function] [compiling method 0x163adb875401 using TurboFan] [optimizing 0x163adb875401 - took 0.267, 0.541, 0.030 ms] [completed optimizing 0x163adb875401 ] [marking 0x082186822ba1 for optimized recompilation, reason: hot and stable] [compiling method 0x082186822ba1 using TurboFan OSR] [optimizing 0x082186822ba1 - took 0.454, 2.358, 0.071 ms] [compiling method 0x082186822ba1 using TurboFan] [optimizing 0x082186822ba1 - took 0.468, 2.111, 0.041 ms] [marking 0x22c7ac36c069 for optimized recompilation, reason: small function] [compiling method 0x22c7ac36c069 using TurboFan] [optimizing 0x22c7ac36c069 - took 0.733, 3.923, 0.139 ms] [completed optimizing 0x22c7ac36c069 ] [marking 0x0b433fed6321 for optimized recompilation, reason: small function] [compiling method 0x0b433fed6321 using TurboFan] [optimizing 0x0b433fed6321 - took 3.877, 6.546, 0.098 ms] [completed optimizing 0x0b433fed6321 ] [marking 0x20085fe00fa1 for optimized recompilation, reason: hot and stable] [compiling method 0x20085fe00fa1 using TurboFan] [optimizing 0x20085fe00fa1 - took 1.211, 14.146, 0.069 ms] [completed optimizing 0x20085fe00fa1 ] [marking 0x20085fe00fa1 for optimized recompilation, reason: hot and stable] [compiling method 0x20085fe00fa1 using TurboFan] [optimizing 0x20085fe00fa1 - took 1.349, 15.875, 0.106 ms] [completed optimizing 0x20085fe00fa1 ] [marking 0x282219a94e41 for optimized recompilation, reason: small function] [compiling method 0x282219a94e41 using TurboFan] [optimizing 0x282219a94e41 - took 0.625, 1.330, 0.037 ms] [completed optimizing 0x282219a94e41 ] [marking 0x282219a801e1 for optimized recompilation, reason: small function] [compiling method 0x282219a801e1 using TurboFan] [optimizing 0x282219a801e1 - took 0.272, 1.074, 0.033 ms] [completed optimizing 0x282219a801e1 ] [marking 0x213c174ae831 for optimized recompilation, reason: hot and stable] [compiling method 0x213c174af159 using TurboFan] [marking 0x282219a94e41 for optimized recompilation, reason: hot and stable] [compiling method 0x282219a94e41 using TurboFan] [optimizing 0x282219a94e41 - took 0.294, 0.881, 0.045 ms] [completed optimizing 0x282219a94e41 ] [marking 0x282219a95429 for optimized recompilation, reason: small function] [compiling method 0x282219a95429 using TurboFan] [optimizing 0x282219a95429 - took 0.757, 5.121, 0.067 ms] [completed optimizing 0x282219a95429 ] [marking 0x282219a803a1 for optimized recompilation, reason: hot and stable] [compiling method 0x282219a803a1 using TurboFan] [optimizing 0x3c6988bc0269 - took 1.539, 15.580, 0.110 ms] [completed optimizing 0x3c6988bc0269 ] [marking 0x282219a80811 for optimized recompilation, reason: hot and stable] [optimizing 0x282219a803a1 - took 1.447, 15.469, 0.077 ms] [completed optimizing 0x282219a803a1 ] [marking 0x282219a95111 for optimized recompilation, reason: small function] [compiling method 0x282219a95111 using TurboFan] [marking 0x282219a94eb9 for optimized recompilation, reason: hot and stable] [compiling method 0x282219a94eb9 using TurboFan] [optimizing 0x282219a95111 - took 0.265, 0.819, 0.045 ms] [completed optimizing 0x282219a95111 ] [marking 0x282219a80441 for optimized recompilation, reason: hot and stable] [compiling method 0x282219a80441 using TurboFan] [optimizing 0x282219a80441 - took 0.436, 5.206, 0.047 ms] [completed optimizing 0x282219a80441 ] [marking 0x282219a925f1 for optimized recompilation, reason: small function] [compiling method 0x282219a925f1 using TurboFan] [optimizing 0x282219a94eb9 - took 0.901, 7.246, 0.065 ms] [completed optimizing 0x282219a94eb9 ] [optimizing 0x282219a925f1 - took 0.378, 1.415, 0.049 ms] [completed optimizing 0x282219a925f1 ] [marking 0x282219a94cc9 for optimized recompilation, reason: small function] [compiling method 0x282219a94cc9 using TurboFan] [optimizing 0x282219a94cc9 - took 0.323, 1.262, 0.035 ms] [completed optimizing 0x282219a94cc9 ] [marking 0x3ca396f843e1 for optimized recompilation, reason: hot and stable] [compiling method 0x3ca396f843e1 using TurboFan] [optimizing 0x3ca396f843e1 - took 0.336, 1.815, 0.043 ms] [completed optimizing 0x3ca396f843e1 ] [marking 0x1736b023e7e9 for optimized recompilation, reason: hot and stable] [compiling method 0x1736b023ece1 using TurboFan] [marking 0x282219a94ef9 for optimized recompilation, reason: hot and stable] [compiling method 0x282219a94ef9 using TurboFan] [compiling method 0x282219a80811 using TurboFan OSR] [optimizing 0x282219a80811 - took 1.857, 11.963, 0.087 ms] [optimizing 0x282219a94ef9 - took 1.760, 6.458, 0.047 ms] [completed optimizing 0x282219a94ef9 ] [optimizing 0x1736b023ece1 - took 1.145, 15.287, 0.067 ms] [completed optimizing 0x1736b023ece1 ] [marking 0x282219a803e1 for optimized recompilation, reason: hot and stable] [compiling method 0x282219a803e1 using TurboFan] [marking 0x282219a94f79 for optimized recompilation, reason: hot and stable] [compiling method 0x282219a94f79 using TurboFan] [optimizing 0x282219a94f79 - took 1.102, 11.405, 0.072 ms] [completed optimizing 0x282219a94f79 ] [marking 0x282219a95559 for optimized recompilation, reason: small function] [compiling method 0x282219a95559 using TurboFan] [optimizing 0x282219a95559 - took 0.244, 3.016, 0.052 ms] [completed optimizing 0x282219a95559 ] [marking 0x282219a95519 for optimized recompilation, reason: small function] [compiling method 0x282219a95519 using TurboFan] [optimizing 0x282219a803e1 - took 4.441, 37.946, 0.187 ms] [completed optimizing 0x282219a803e1 ] [optimizing 0x282219a95519 - took 0.569, 2.224, 0.043 ms] [completed optimizing 0x282219a95519 ] [marking 0x1736b021fa59 for optimized recompilation, reason: hot and stable] [compiling method 0x1736b0220391 using TurboFan] [marking 0x282219a94ff9 for optimized recompilation, reason: hot and stable] [compiling method 0x282219a94ff9 using TurboFan] [marking 0x2e43004bec01 for optimized recompilation, reason: hot and stable] [compiling method 0x2e43004bec01 using TurboFan] [optimizing 0x2e43004bec01 - took 0.531, 2.074, 0.064 ms] [completed optimizing 0x2e43004bec01 ] [optimizing 0x1736b0220391 - took 1.650, 13.795, 0.089 ms] [completed optimizing 0x1736b0220391 ] [optimizing 0x282219a94ff9 - took 1.242, 10.326, 0.098 ms] [completed optimizing 0x282219a94ff9 ] [marking 0x282219a94f79 for optimized recompilation, reason: hot and stable] [compiling method 0x282219a94f79 using TurboFan] [optimizing 0x282219a94f79 - took 1.746, 7.031, 0.096 ms] [completed optimizing 0x282219a94f79 ] [marking 0x282219a93431 for optimized recompilation, reason: small function] [compiling method 0x282219a93431 using TurboFan] [optimizing 0x282219a93431 - took 0.256, 0.666, 0.035 ms] [completed optimizing 0x282219a93431 ] [marking 0x282219a94ef9 for optimized recompilation, reason: hot and stable] [compiling method 0x282219a94ef9 using TurboFan] [optimizing 0x282219a94ef9 - took 1.941, 15.091, 0.111 ms] [completed optimizing 0x282219a94ef9 ] [compiling method 0x282219a80811 using TurboFan] [optimizing 0x282219a80811 - took 1.527, 15.123, 0.092 ms] [marking 0x0cf7a5360179 for optimized recompilation, reason: small function] [compiling method 0x0cf7a5360179 using TurboFan] [optimizing 0x0cf7a5360179 - took 0.213, 0.477, 0.060 ms] [completed optimizing 0x0cf7a5360179 ] [marking 0x20085fe11129 for optimized recompilation, reason: hot and stable] [compiling method 0x20085fe11129 using TurboFan] [optimizing 0x20085fe11129 - took 0.450, 1.849, 0.092 ms] [completed optimizing 0x20085fe11129 ] [marking 0x0cf7a535ffb9 for optimized recompilation, reason: hot and stable] [compiling method 0x0cf7a535ffb9 using TurboFan] [optimizing 0x0cf7a535ffb9 - took 0.416, 0.698, 0.067 ms] [completed optimizing 0x0cf7a535ffb9 ] [marking 0x0cf7a536f899 for optimized recompilation, reason: small function] [compiling method 0x0cf7a536f899 using TurboFan] [optimizing 0x0cf7a536f899 - took 0.355, 1.543, 0.030 ms] [completed optimizing 0x0cf7a536f899 ] [marking 0x1f7080398529 for optimized recompilation, reason: hot and stable] [compiling method 0x1f7080398529 using TurboFan] [optimizing 0x1f7080398529 - took 0.396, 1.205, 0.027 ms] [completed optimizing 0x1f7080398529 ] [marking 0x1f70803985a1 for optimized recompilation, reason: small function] [compiling method 0x1f70803985a1 using TurboFan] [optimizing 0x1f70803985a1 - took 0.329, 1.100, 0.037 ms] [completed optimizing 0x1f70803985a1 ] [marking 0x1f7080398529 for optimized recompilation, reason: small function] [compiling method 0x1f7080398529 using TurboFan] [optimizing 0x1f7080398529 - took 0.211, 0.864, 0.034 ms] [completed optimizing 0x1f7080398529 ] [marking 0x16411d4244e9 for optimized recompilation, reason: hot and stable] [compiling method 0x16411d424ec1 using TurboFan] [marking 0x1f70803983b1 for optimized recompilation, reason: hot and stable] [compiling method 0x1f70803983b1 using TurboFan] [optimizing 0x0f2cce7002c1 - took 1.097, 13.525, 0.079 ms] [completed optimizing 0x0f2cce7002c1 ] [marking 0x1f7080398621 for optimized recompilation, reason: hot and stable] [compiling method 0x1f7080398621 using TurboFan] [optimizing 0x1f7080398621 - took 1.043, 6.924, 0.098 ms] [completed optimizing 0x1f7080398621 ] [marking 0x1f7080398c01 for optimized recompilation, reason: small function] [compiling method 0x1f7080398c01 using TurboFan] [optimizing 0x1f70803983b1 - took 2.188, 18.657, 0.101 ms] [completed optimizing 0x1f70803983b1 ] [optimizing 0x1f7080398c01 - took 0.824, 3.977, 0.028 ms] [completed optimizing 0x1f7080398c01 ] [marking 0x1f7080380779 for optimized recompilation, reason: hot and stable] [marking 0x1f70803988e9 for optimized recompilation, reason: small function] [compiling method 0x1f70803988e9 using TurboFan] [marking 0x1f70803803a9 for optimized recompilation, reason: hot and stable] [compiling method 0x1f70803803a9 using TurboFan] [optimizing 0x1f70803803a9 - took 0.445, 3.993, 0.052 ms] [completed optimizing 0x1f70803803a9 ] [optimizing 0x1f70803988e9 - took 0.330, 7.686, 0.029 ms] [completed optimizing 0x1f70803988e9 ] [marking 0x1f7080380259 for optimized recompilation, reason: small function] [compiling method 0x1f7080380259 using TurboFan] [optimizing 0x1f7080380259 - took 0.291, 1.920, 0.045 ms] [completed optimizing 0x1f7080380259 ] [marking 0x190e49a8c609 for optimized recompilation, reason: small function] [compiling method 0x190e49a8c609 using TurboFan] [optimizing 0x190e49a8c609 - took 0.284, 0.683, 0.047 ms] [completed optimizing 0x190e49a8c609 ] [marking 0x3affd63c81e9 for optimized recompilation, reason: hot and stable] [compiling method 0x3affd63c81e9 using TurboFan] [optimizing 0x3affd63c81e9 - took 0.392, 1.747, 0.054 ms] [completed optimizing 0x3affd63c81e9 ] [marking 0x1f7080380299 for optimized recompilation, reason: hot and stable] [compiling method 0x1f7080380299 using TurboFan] [marking 0x192ee7c992b1 for optimized recompilation, reason: hot and stable] [compiling method 0x192ee7c99d01 using TurboFan] [marking 0x1f7080398661 for optimized recompilation, reason: hot and stable] [compiling method 0x1f7080398661 using TurboFan] [compiling method 0x1f7080380779 using TurboFan OSR] [marking 0x20085fe00fa1 for optimized recompilation, reason: hot and stable] [compiling method 0x20085fe00fa1 using TurboFan] [optimizing 0x1f7080380779 - took 1.639, 15.532, 0.113 ms] [optimizing 0x192ee7c99d01 - took 1.551, 15.781, 0.082 ms] [completed optimizing 0x192ee7c99d01 ] [marking 0x1f7080398d31 for optimized recompilation, reason: small function] [compiling method 0x1f7080398d31 using TurboFan] [optimizing 0x1f7080398661 - took 1.591, 23.725, 0.091 ms] [completed optimizing 0x1f7080398661 ] [optimizing 0x1f7080398d31 - took 0.301, 1.562, 0.022 ms] [completed optimizing 0x1f7080398d31 ] [marking 0x1f70803986e1 for optimized recompilation, reason: hot and stable] [compiling method 0x1f70803986e1 using TurboFan] [optimizing 0x1f70803986e1 - took 1.642, 7.995, 0.077 ms] [completed optimizing 0x1f70803986e1 ] [marking 0x1f7080398cb1 for optimized recompilation, reason: hot and stable] [compiling method 0x1f7080398cb1 using TurboFan] [optimizing 0x1f7080398cb1 - took 0.699, 4.568, 0.105 ms] [completed optimizing 0x1f7080398cb1 ] [marking 0x2386d1d765c9 for optimized recompilation, reason: hot and stable] [compiling method 0x2386d1d772f1 using TurboFan] [optimizing 0x20085fe00fa1 - took 2.143, 52.237, 0.319 ms] [completed optimizing 0x20085fe00fa1 ] [marking 0x1f7080398761 for optimized recompilation, reason: hot and stable] [compiling method 0x1f7080398761 using TurboFan] [marking 0x1f7080398451 for optimized recompilation, reason: small function] [compiling method 0x1f7080398451 using TurboFan] [optimizing 0x2386d1d772f1 - took 1.514, 20.876, 0.095 ms] [completed optimizing 0x2386d1d772f1 ] [optimizing 0x1f7080398761 - took 1.049, 9.578, 0.091 ms] [completed optimizing 0x1f7080398761 ] [optimizing 0x1f7080398451 - took 0.278, 3.611, 0.052 ms] [completed optimizing 0x1f7080398451 ] [marking 0x1f70803986e1 for optimized recompilation, reason: hot and stable] [compiling method 0x1f70803986e1 using TurboFan] [marking 0x3ca3087a02b9 for optimized recompilation, reason: hot and stable] [compiling method 0x3ca3087a02b9 using TurboFan] [optimizing 0x1f7080380299 - took 4.179, 120.962, 0.190 ms] [completed optimizing 0x1f7080380299 ] [marking 0x1f7080396b19 for optimized recompilation, reason: small function] [compiling method 0x1f7080396b19 using TurboFan] [optimizing 0x1f7080396b19 - took 0.230, 0.604, 0.031 ms] [completed optimizing 0x1f7080396b19 ] [optimizing 0x3ca3087a02b9 - took 0.405, 2.407, 0.042 ms] [completed optimizing 0x3ca3087a02b9 ] [marking 0x1f7080398661 for optimized recompilation, reason: hot and stable] [compiling method 0x1f7080398661 using TurboFan] [marking 0x20085fe09541 for optimized recompilation, reason: hot and stable] [compiling method 0x20085fe09541 using TurboFan] [optimizing 0x1f70803986e1 - took 1.616, 20.672, 0.097 ms] [completed optimizing 0x1f70803986e1 ] [optimizing 0x1f7080398661 - took 1.812, 8.715, 0.087 ms] [completed optimizing 0x1f7080398661 ] [optimizing 0x20085fe09541 - took 2.047, 4.017, 0.580 ms] [completed optimizing 0x20085fe09541 ] [marking 0x20085fe00fa1 for optimized recompilation, reason: hot and stable] [compiling method 0x20085fe00fa1 using TurboFan] [compiling method 0x1f7080380779 using TurboFan] [optimizing 0x1f7080380779 - took 1.935, 37.932, 0.114 ms] [optimizing 0x20085fe00fa1 - took 2.041, 40.300, 0.106 ms] [completed optimizing 0x20085fe00fa1 ] [marking 0x163adb842799 for optimized recompilation, reason: hot and stable] [compiling method 0x163adb842799 using TurboFan] [optimizing 0x163adb842799 - took 1.069, 13.403, 0.094 ms] [completed optimizing 0x163adb842799 ] [marking 0x20085fe00fa1 for optimized recompilation, reason: hot and stable] [compiling method 0x20085fe00fa1 using TurboFan] [optimizing 0x20085fe00fa1 - took 1.210, 15.285, 0.225 ms] [completed optimizing 0x20085fe00fa1 ] [marking 0x20085fe0c959 for optimized recompilation, reason: hot and stable] [compiling method 0x20085fe0c959 using TurboFan] [optimizing 0x20085fe0c959 - took 0.386, 3.098, 0.040 ms] [completed optimizing 0x20085fe0c959 ] [marking 0x030dedfa0da9 for optimized recompilation, reason: small function] [compiling method 0x030dedfa0da9 using TurboFan] [optimizing 0x030dedfa0da9 - took 0.647, 1.213, 0.033 ms] [completed optimizing 0x030dedfa0da9 ] [compiling method 0x030dedfa0da9 using TurboFan OSR] [optimizing 0x030dedfa0da9 - took 0.238, 1.106, 0.042 ms] ===== トラブルシューティング ===== ==== Software Reporter Tool (software_reporter_tool.exe) が高負荷になる場合の無効化方法 ==== Chrome を起動後、2~30分 CPU が高負荷になり CPU ファンが高回転しだす。\\ chrome://settings の [詳細設定] - [リセットとクリーンアップ] - [パソコンのクリーンアップ] の画面にある以下の文章の隣にある [検索] ボタンを押すと起動されるプログラムのようである。\\ 有害なソフトウェアの検出 Chrome で、パソコン上の有害なソフトウェアを探して削除することができます **Chrome 76.0.3809.132** では **software_reporter_tool.exe** は以下の場所にインストールされている。\\ %USERPROFILE%\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\SwReporter\バージョン)\software_reporter_tool.exe **Chrome 77.0.3865.75** では **software_reporter_tool.exe** は以下の場所にインストールされている。\\ %USERPROFILE%\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\SwReporter\44.215.200(バージョン)\software_reporter_tool.exe ※上記のパスの**バージョン**部分は変わる可能性がある。\\ === 無効化するには... === **software_reporter_tool.exe** を右クリックして「プロパティ」を開く。 - これだとバージョンアップの度に行う必要がある。\\ **%USERPROFILE%\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\SwReporter** を右クリックして「プロパティ」を開く。\\ 「セキュリティ」タブの [詳細設定] ボタンを押す。\\ [継承の無効化] ボタンを押して [適用] ボタンを押し、[はい] で答える。\\ \\ 上記の設定で Chrome は **software_reporter_tool.exe** を実行出来なくなる。\\