ファームウェア アップグレード

GL-AR750S-Ext - GL.iNet Docs (英語)
GL-AR750S-Ext(Slate) - GL.iNet Docs (日本語)
gl-inet/docs3.x: GL.iNet documents for firmware 3.x
domino-team/openwrt-cc: openwrt CC with Domino/GL patches
gl-inet/openwrt: This repository is fork from openwrt official repo, we will update the latest tag and release GL.iNet firmware based on it.

V3.201 2021/04/12
V3.105 2020/12/08
V3.104 2020/05/07
V3.101 2020/03/03
V3.100 2019/12/30
V3.025 2019/07/03
V3.009 2018/12/12
v3.007 2018/11/22
v3.003 2018/10/10
v3.001 2018/07/30


OpenWrt Project: GL.iNet GL-AR750S
A rough writeup for the commandline firmware upgrade wikipage - Installing and Using OpenWrt - OpenWrt Forum