



両方とも前のリビジョン 前のリビジョン
hardware:gl-ar750s-ext:managing_firewall [2020/02/26 03:40] ともやんhardware:gl-ar750s-ext:managing_firewall [2020/02/26 05:48] – [ulog の設定] ともやん
行 1: 行 1:
 +  <style>
 +    #result pre {
 +      height: 300px;
 +      overflow: scroll;
 +      overflow-x: hidden;
 +      font-size: 12px;
 +    }
 +  </style>
 ====== ファイアウォール管理 ====== ====== ファイアウォール管理 ======
行 6: 行 16:
 <WRAP prewrap 100%> <WRAP prewrap 100%>
 <code> <code>
-# opkg update && opkg install ulogd ulogd-mod-nfct ulogd-mod-syslog ulogd-mod-extra+# opkg update && opkg install ulogd ulogd-mod-nfacct ulogd-mod-nfct ulogd-mod-nflog ulogd-mod-xml ulogd-mod-syslog ulogd-mod-extra
 </code> </code>
 </WRAP> </WRAP>
行 43: 行 53:
 </code> </code>
 </WRAP> </WRAP>
 +==== ulog の設定 ====
 +# vi /etc/ulog.conf
 +<WRAP prewrap 100%>
 +<code autoconf /etc/ulog.conf>
 +# this is a stack for flow-based logging via LOGEMU
 +#netlink_resync_timeout=60 # seconds to wait to perform resynchronization
 +#pollinterval=10 # use poll-based logging instead of event-driven
 +# If pollinterval is not set, NFCT plugin will work in event mode
 +# In this case, you can use the following filters on events:
 +#accept_src_filter=,1:2::/64 # source ip of connection must belong to these networks
 +#accept_dst_filter= # destination ip of connection must belong to these networks
 +#accept_proto_filter=tcp,sctp # layer 4 proto of connections
 +ulogd を手動で実行して動作確認を行う。\\
 +# ulogd -v
 +Wed Feb 26 05:21:35 2020 <7> ulogd.c:622 load_plugin: '/usr/lib/ulogd/ulogd_filter_IP2BIN.so': Error relocating /usr/lib/ulogd/ulogd_filter_IP2BIN.so: uint32_to_ipv6: symbol not found
 +Wed Feb 26 05:21:35 2020 <5> ulogd.c:843 building new pluginstance stack: 'ct1:NFCT,ip2str1:IP2STR,print1:PRINTFLOW,sys1:SYSLOG'
 +Wed Feb 26 05:21:35 2020 <5> ulogd_inpflow_NFCT.c:1399 NFCT plugin working in event mode
 +**uint32_to_ipv6: symbol not found** はバグ?\\
 +==== ulogd の有効化と起動 ====
 +# service ulogd enable
 +# service ulogd start
 +==== 接続追跡フローアカウンティングを有効に設定 ====
 +# echo '1' > /proc/sys/net/netfilter/nf_conntrack_acct
 +# echo 'net.netfilter.nf_conntrack_acct=1' > /etc/sysctl.d/100-custom.conf
 ===== 参考文献 ===== ===== 参考文献 =====
  • hardware/gl-ar750s-ext/managing_firewall.txt
  • 最終更新: 2020/03/13 08:19
  • by ともやん