



両方とも前のリビジョン 前のリビジョン
linux:podman [2024/03/19 06:37] – [newuidmap: open of uid_map failed: Permission denied] ともやんlinux:podman [2024/04/11 09:01] – [レシピ] ともやん
行 301: 行 301:
 <font color="#A2734C">mysql-1       | </font>2024-03-12  5:45:20 0 [Note] mysqld: ready for connections. <font color="#A2734C">mysql-1       | </font>2024-03-12  5:45:20 0 [Note] mysqld: ready for connections.
 <font color="#A2734C">mysql-1       | </font>Version: &apos;10.5.9-MariaDB-1:10.5.9+maria~focal&apos;  socket: &apos;/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock&apos;  port: 3306 binary distribution <font color="#A2734C">mysql-1       | </font>Version: &apos;10.5.9-MariaDB-1:10.5.9+maria~focal&apos;  socket: &apos;/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock&apos;  port: 3306 binary distribution
 +==== compose provider ====
 +podman compose は、docker-compose や podman-compose などの外部作成プロバイダーの薄いラッパーです。\\
 +公式: [[|podman-compose — Podman documentation]] [[gtr>|翻訳]] より\\
 +podman は compose provider 探して処理を引き渡す🤔\\
 +見つからない場合はエラーになるので、docker-compose、podman-compose をインストールする必要がある。\\
 +<WRAP color_term>
 +<WRAP color_command><html><pre>
 +<font color="#FF8700"><b>$</b></font> <font color="#26A269">podman</font> <font color="#A347BA">--log-level=debug</font> compose version
 +<WRAP color_result_hlong><html><pre>
 +<font color="#2AA1B3">INFO</font>[0000] podman filtering at log level debug          
 +<font color="#D0CFCC">DEBU</font>[0000] Called compose.PersistentPreRunE(podman --log-level=debug compose version) 
 +<font color="#D0CFCC">DEBU</font>[0000] Using conmon: &quot;/usr/bin/conmon&quot;              
 +<font color="#2AA1B3">INFO</font>[0000] Using sqlite as database backend             
 +<font color="#D0CFCC">DEBU</font>[0000] Using graph driver overlay                   
 +<font color="#D0CFCC">DEBU</font>[0000] Using graph root /home/tomoyan/.local/share/containers/storage 
 +<font color="#D0CFCC">DEBU</font>[0000] Using run root /run/user/1000/containers     
 +<font color="#D0CFCC">DEBU</font>[0000] Using static dir /home/tomoyan/.local/share/containers/storage/libpod 
 +<font color="#D0CFCC">DEBU</font>[0000] Using tmp dir /run/user/1000/libpod/tmp      
 +<font color="#D0CFCC">DEBU</font>[0000] Using volume path /home/tomoyan/.local/share/containers/storage/volumes 
 +<font color="#D0CFCC">DEBU</font>[0000] Using transient store: false                 
 +<font color="#D0CFCC">DEBU</font>[0000] Not configuring container store              
 +<font color="#D0CFCC">DEBU</font>[0000] Initializing event backend journald          
 +<font color="#D0CFCC">DEBU</font>[0000] Configured OCI runtime krun initialization failed: no valid executable found for OCI runtime krun: invalid argument 
 +<font color="#D0CFCC">DEBU</font>[0000] Configured OCI runtime crun-wasm initialization failed: no valid executable found for OCI runtime crun-wasm: invalid argument 
 +<font color="#D0CFCC">DEBU</font>[0000] Configured OCI runtime runj initialization failed: no valid executable found for OCI runtime runj: invalid argument 
 +<font color="#D0CFCC">DEBU</font>[0000] Configured OCI runtime kata initialization failed: no valid executable found for OCI runtime kata: invalid argument 
 +<font color="#D0CFCC">DEBU</font>[0000] Configured OCI runtime runc initialization failed: no valid executable found for OCI runtime runc: invalid argument 
 +<font color="#D0CFCC">DEBU</font>[0000] Configured OCI runtime runsc initialization failed: no valid executable found for OCI runtime runsc: invalid argument 
 +<font color="#D0CFCC">DEBU</font>[0000] Configured OCI runtime youki initialization failed: no valid executable found for OCI runtime youki: invalid argument 
 +<font color="#D0CFCC">DEBU</font>[0000] Configured OCI runtime ocijail initialization failed: no valid executable found for OCI runtime ocijail: invalid argument 
 +<font color="#D0CFCC">DEBU</font>[0000] Using OCI runtime &quot;/usr/bin/crun&quot;            
 +<font color="#2AA1B3">INFO</font>[0000] Setting parallel job count to 25             
 +<font color="#D0CFCC">DEBU</font>[0000] Error looking up compose provider &quot;docker-compose&quot;: exec: &quot;docker-compose&quot;: executable file not found in $PATH 
 +<font color="#D0CFCC">DEBU</font>[0000] Error looking up compose provider &quot;$HOME/.docker/cli-plugins/docker-compose&quot;: exec: &quot;/home/tomoyan/.docker/cli-plugins/docker-compose&quot;: stat /home/tomoyan/.docker/cli-plugins/docker-compose: no such file or directory 
 +<font color="#D0CFCC">DEBU</font>[0000] Error looking up compose provider &quot;/usr/local/lib/docker/cli-plugins/docker-compose&quot;: exec: &quot;/usr/local/lib/docker/cli-plugins/docker-compose&quot;: stat /usr/local/lib/docker/cli-plugins/docker-compose: no such file or directory 
 +<font color="#D0CFCC">DEBU</font>[0000] Error looking up compose provider &quot;/usr/local/libexec/docker/cli-plugins/docker-compose&quot;: exec: &quot;/usr/local/libexec/docker/cli-plugins/docker-compose&quot;: stat /usr/local/libexec/docker/cli-plugins/docker-compose: no such file or directory 
 +<font color="#D0CFCC">DEBU</font>[0000] Error looking up compose provider &quot;/usr/lib/docker/cli-plugins/docker-compose&quot;: exec: &quot;/usr/lib/docker/cli-plugins/docker-compose&quot;: stat /usr/lib/docker/cli-plugins/docker-compose: no such file or directory 
 +<font color="#D0CFCC">DEBU</font>[0000] Error looking up compose provider &quot;/usr/libexec/docker/cli-plugins/docker-compose&quot;: exec: &quot;/usr/libexec/docker/cli-plugins/docker-compose&quot;: stat /usr/libexec/docker/cli-plugins/docker-compose: no such file or directory 
 +<font color="#D0CFCC">DEBU</font>[0000] Error looking up compose provider &quot;podman-compose&quot;: exec: &quot;podman-compose&quot;: executable file not found in $PATH 
 +Error: looking up compose provider failed
 +7 errors occurred:
 + * exec: &quot;docker-compose&quot;: executable file not found in $PATH
 + * exec: &quot;/home/tomoyan/.docker/cli-plugins/docker-compose&quot;: stat /home/tomoyan/.docker/cli-plugins/docker-compose: no such file or directory
 + * exec: &quot;/usr/local/lib/docker/cli-plugins/docker-compose&quot;: stat /usr/local/lib/docker/cli-plugins/docker-compose: no such file or directory
 + * exec: &quot;/usr/local/libexec/docker/cli-plugins/docker-compose&quot;: stat /usr/local/libexec/docker/cli-plugins/docker-compose: no such file or directory
 + * exec: &quot;/usr/lib/docker/cli-plugins/docker-compose&quot;: stat /usr/lib/docker/cli-plugins/docker-compose: no such file or directory
 + * exec: &quot;/usr/libexec/docker/cli-plugins/docker-compose&quot;: stat /usr/libexec/docker/cli-plugins/docker-compose: no such file or directory
 + * exec: &quot;podman-compose&quot;: executable file not found in $PATH
 +<font color="#D0CFCC">DEBU</font>[0000] Shutting down engines
 +ソースコード: [[git>containers/podman/blob/e64d81481dd0669b60cb2fc94fed9f147e90a102/cmd/podman/compose.go#L73|podman/cmd/podman/compose.go at e64d81481dd0669b60cb2fc94fed9f147e90a102 · containers/podman]]\\
 +Python の podman-compose をインストールする場合🤔\\
 +公式: [[git>containers/podman-compose|containers/podman-compose: a script to run docker-compose.yml using podman]]\\
 +<WRAP color_term>
 +<WRAP color_command><html><pre>
 +<font color="#FF8700"><b>$</b></font> <font color="#26A269">pip</font> install <font color="#A347BA">--user</font> podman-compose
 +<WRAP color_result><html><pre>
 +Collecting podman-compose
 +  Obtaining dependency information for podman-compose from
 +  Using cached podman_compose-1.0.6-py2.py3-none-any.whl.metadata (5.4 kB)
 +Requirement already satisfied: pyyaml in /usr/lib64/python3.12/site-packages (from podman-compose) (6.0.1)
 +Requirement already satisfied: python-dotenv in ./.local/lib/python3.12/site-packages (from podman-compose) (1.0.1)
 +Using cached podman_compose-1.0.6-py2.py3-none-any.whl (34 kB)
 +Installing collected packages: podman-compose
 +Successfully installed podman-compose-1.0.6
 +podman は Python の podman-compose を利用するようになる🤔\\
 +<WRAP color_term>
 +<WRAP color_command><html><pre>
 +<font color="#FF8700"><b>$</b></font> <font color="#26A269">podman</font> compose version
 +<WRAP color_result><html><pre><u style="text-decoration-style:single">&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt; Executing external compose provider &quot;/home/tomoyan/.local/bin/podman-compose&quot;. Please refer to the documentation for details. &lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;</u>
 +podman-compose version: 1.0.6
 +[&apos;podman&apos;, &apos;--version&apos;, &apos;&apos;]
 +using podman version: 4.9.3
 +podman-compose version 1.0.6
 +podman --version 
 +podman version 4.9.3
 +exit code: 0
 </pre></html></WRAP> </pre></html></WRAP>
 </WRAP> </WRAP>
行 306: 行 396:
 ==== その他 ==== ==== その他 ====
 [[python:manylinux|manylinux]]\\ [[python:manylinux|manylinux]]\\
 +[[.:podman:fedora_ubi_micro|Fedora 版の UBI Micro を独自に作る方法 (非公式😅)]]\\
 ==== 技術情報 ==== ==== 技術情報 ====
行 320: 行 411:
 [[|AlmaLinux OS Docker Images | AlmaLinux Wiki]]\\ [[|AlmaLinux OS Docker Images | AlmaLinux Wiki]]\\
 +=== カスタムレジストリの追加 ===
 +公式: [[|Registries | Podman Desktop]]\\
 +<WRAP color_term>
 +<WRAP color_command><html><pre>
 +<font color="#FF8700"><b>$</b></font> <font color="#26A269"><u style="text-decoration-style:single">sudo</u></font> <font color="#26A269">bat</font> <font color="#A347BA">-n</font> <font color="#A347BA">--paging=never</font> <font color="#A347BA">-l</font> cfg <u style="text-decoration-style:single">/etc/containers/registries.conf</u>
 +<WRAP color_result_long><html><pre class=Bat>
 +<font color="#444444">   1</font> <font color="#75715E"># For more information on this configuration file, see containers-registries.conf(5).</font>
 +<font color="#444444">   2</font> <font color="#75715E">#</font>
 +<font color="#444444">   3</font> <font color="#75715E"># NOTE: RISK OF USING UNQUALIFIED IMAGE NAMES</font>
 +<font color="#444444">   4</font> <font color="#75715E"># We recommend always using fully qualified image names including the registry</font>
 +<font color="#444444">   5</font> <font color="#75715E"># server (full dns name), namespace, image name, and tag</font>
 +<font color="#444444">   6</font> <font color="#75715E"># (e.g., Pulling by digest (i.e.,</font>
 +<font color="#444444">   7</font> <font color="#75715E"># further eliminates the ambiguity of tags.</font>
 +<font color="#444444">   8</font> <font color="#75715E"># When using short names, there is always an inherent risk that the image being</font>
 +<font color="#444444">   9</font> <font color="#75715E"># pulled could be spoofed. For example, a user wants to pull an image named</font>
 +<font color="#444444">  10</font> <font color="#75715E"># `foobar` from a registry and expects it to come from If</font>
 +<font color="#444444">  11</font> <font color="#75715E"># is not first in the search list, an attacker could place a</font>
 +<font color="#444444">  12</font> <font color="#75715E"># different `foobar` image at a registry earlier in the search list. The user</font>
 +<font color="#444444">  13</font> <font color="#75715E"># would accidentally pull and run the attacker&apos;s image and code rather than the</font>
 +<font color="#444444">  14</font> <font color="#75715E"># intended content. We recommend only adding registries which are completely</font>
 +<font color="#444444">  15</font> <font color="#75715E"># trusted (i.e., registries which don&apos;t allow unknown or anonymous users to</font>
 +<font color="#444444">  16</font> <font color="#75715E"># create accounts with arbitrary names). This will prevent an image from being</font>
 +<font color="#444444">  17</font> <font color="#75715E"># spoofed, squatted or otherwise made insecure.  If it is necessary to use one</font>
 +<font color="#444444">  18</font> <font color="#75715E"># of these registries, it should be added at the end of the list.</font>
 +<font color="#444444">  19</font> <font color="#75715E">#</font>
 +<font color="#444444">  20</font> <font color="#75715E"># # An array of host[:port] registries to try when pulling an unqualified image, in order.</font>
 +<font color="#444444">  21</font> <font color="#F92672">unqualified-search-registries</font><font color="#F8F8F2"> = </font><font color="#E6DB74">[&quot;;, &quot;;, &quot;;,</font>
 +<font color="#444444">    </font> <font color="#E6DB74"> &quot;;]</font>
 +<font color="#444444">  22</font> <font color="#75715E">#</font>
 +<font color="#444444">  23</font> <font color="#75715E"># [[registry]]</font>
 +<font color="#444444">  24</font> <font color="#75715E"># # The &quot;prefix&quot; field is used to choose the relevant [[registry]] TOML table;</font>
 +<font color="#444444">  25</font> <font color="#75715E"># # (only) the TOML table with the longest match for the input image name</font>
 +<font color="#444444">  26</font> <font color="#75715E"># # (taking into account namespace/repo/tag/digest separators) is used.</font>
 +<font color="#444444">  27</font> <font color="#75715E"># #</font>
 +<font color="#444444">  28</font> <font color="#75715E"># # The prefix can also be of the form: * for wildcard subdomain</font>
 +<font color="#444444">  29</font> <font color="#75715E"># # matching.</font>
 +<font color="#444444">  30</font> <font color="#75715E"># #</font>
 +<font color="#444444">  31</font> <font color="#75715E"># # If the prefix field is missing, it defaults to be the same as the &quot;location&quot; field.</font>
 +<font color="#444444">  32</font> <font color="#75715E"># prefix = &quot;;</font>
 +<font color="#444444">  33</font> <font color="#75715E">#</font>
 +<font color="#444444">  34</font> <font color="#75715E"># # If true, unencrypted HTTP as well as TLS connections with untrusted</font>
 +<font color="#444444">  35</font> <font color="#75715E"># # certificates are allowed.</font>
 +<font color="#444444">  36</font> <font color="#75715E"># insecure = false</font>
 +<font color="#444444">  37</font> <font color="#75715E">#</font>
 +<font color="#444444">  38</font> <font color="#75715E"># # If true, pulling images with matching names is forbidden.</font>
 +<font color="#444444">  39</font> <font color="#75715E"># blocked = false</font>
 +<font color="#444444">  40</font> <font color="#75715E">#</font>
 +<font color="#444444">  41</font> <font color="#75715E"># # The physical location of the &quot;prefix&quot;-rooted namespace.</font>
 +<font color="#444444">  42</font> <font color="#75715E"># #</font>
 +<font color="#444444">  43</font> <font color="#75715E"># # By default, this is equal to &quot;prefix&quot; (in which case &quot;prefix&quot; can be omitted</font>
 +<font color="#444444">  44</font> <font color="#75715E"># # and the [[registry]] TOML table can only specify &quot;location&quot;).</font>
 +<font color="#444444">  45</font> <font color="#75715E"># #</font>
 +<font color="#444444">  46</font> <font color="#75715E"># # Example: Given</font>
 +<font color="#444444">  47</font> <font color="#75715E"># #   prefix = &quot;;</font>
 +<font color="#444444">  48</font> <font color="#75715E"># #   location = &quot;;</font>
 +<font color="#444444">  49</font> <font color="#75715E"># # requests for the image will actually work with the</font>
 +<font color="#444444">  50</font> <font color="#75715E"># # image.</font>
 +<font color="#444444">  51</font> <font color="#75715E">#</font>
 +<font color="#444444">  52</font> <font color="#75715E"># # The location can be empty if prefix is in a</font>
 +<font color="#444444">  53</font> <font color="#75715E"># # wildcarded format: &quot;*;. In this case, the input reference will</font>
 +<font color="#444444">  54</font> <font color="#75715E"># # be used as-is without any rewrite.</font>
 +<font color="#444444">  55</font> <font color="#75715E"># location =;</font>
 +<font color="#444444">  56</font> <font color="#75715E">#</font>
 +<font color="#444444">  57</font> <font color="#75715E"># # (Possibly-partial) mirrors for the &quot;prefix&quot;-rooted namespace.</font>
 +<font color="#444444">  58</font> <font color="#75715E"># #</font>
 +<font color="#444444">  59</font> <font color="#75715E"># # The mirrors are attempted in the specified order; the first one that can be</font>
 +<font color="#444444">  60</font> <font color="#75715E"># # contacted and contains the image will be used (and if none of the mirrors contains the image,</font>
 +<font color="#444444">  61</font> <font color="#75715E"># # the primary location specified by the &quot;registry.location&quot; field, or using the unmodified</font>
 +<font color="#444444">  62</font> <font color="#75715E"># # user-specified reference, is tried last).</font>
 +<font color="#444444">  63</font> <font color="#75715E"># #</font>
 +<font color="#444444">  64</font> <font color="#75715E"># # Each TOML table in the &quot;mirror&quot; array can contain the following fields, with the same semantics</font>
 +<font color="#444444">  65</font> <font color="#75715E"># # as if specified in the [[registry]] TOML table directly:</font>
 +<font color="#444444">  66</font> <font color="#75715E"># # - location</font>
 +<font color="#444444">  67</font> <font color="#75715E"># # - insecure</font>
 +<font color="#444444">  68</font> <font color="#75715E"># [[registry.mirror]]</font>
 +<font color="#444444">  69</font> <font color="#75715E"># location = &quot;example-mirror-0.local/mirror-for-foo&quot;</font>
 +<font color="#444444">  70</font> <font color="#75715E"># [[registry.mirror]]</font>
 +<font color="#444444">  71</font> <font color="#75715E"># location = &quot;example-mirror-1.local/mirrors/foo&quot;</font>
 +<font color="#444444">  72</font> <font color="#75715E"># insecure = true</font>
 +<font color="#444444">  73</font> <font color="#75715E"># # Given the above, a pull of will try:</font>
 +<font color="#444444">  74</font> <font color="#75715E"># # 1. example-mirror-0.local/mirror-for-foo/image:latest</font>
 +<font color="#444444">  75</font> <font color="#75715E"># # 2. example-mirror-1.local/mirrors/foo/image:latest</font>
 +<font color="#444444">  76</font> <font color="#75715E"># # 3.</font>
 +<font color="#444444">  77</font> <font color="#75715E"># # in order, and use the first one that exists.</font>
 +<font color="#444444">  78</font> 
 +<font color="#444444">  79</font> <font color="#F92672">short-name-mode</font><font color="#F8F8F2">=&quot;</font><font color="#E6DB74">enforcing</font><font color="#F8F8F2">&quot;</font>
 ===== Buildah を使ってより無駄のない小さなコンテナを作る🤔 ===== ===== Buildah を使ってより無駄のない小さなコンテナを作る🤔 =====
 +公式: [[|Buildah |]] [[gtr>|翻訳]]\\
 +ソースコード: [[|containers/buildah: A tool that facilitates building OCI images.]]\\
 <WRAP round tip 90%> <WRAP round tip 90%>
 [[|Getting started with Buildah |]] [[gtr>|翻訳]] より\\ [[|Getting started with Buildah |]] [[gtr>|翻訳]] より\\
行 562: 行 746:
 </panel> </panel>
 </accordion> </accordion>
 +===== Overlay Filesystem =====
 +公式: [[|Overlay Filesystem — The Linux Kernel documentation]] [[gtr>|翻訳]]\\
 ===== レシピ ===== ===== レシピ =====
 [[.:podman:openlitespeed|OpenLiteSpeed (Podman)]]\\ [[.:podman:openlitespeed|OpenLiteSpeed (Podman)]]\\
 +[[.:podman:simple-container-registry|podman ローカル プライベート レジストリの構築]]\\
 +[[.:podman:kali_linux|Kali Linux (Podman)]]\\
 ===== トラブルシューティング ===== ===== トラブルシューティング =====
行 570: 行 759:
    [[git>containers/podman/blob/main/|podman/ at main · containers/podman]] [[gtr>|翻訳]]\\    [[git>containers/podman/blob/main/|podman/ at main · containers/podman]] [[gtr>|翻訳]]\\
-==== newuidmap: open of uid_map failed: Permission denied エラーが発生する ====+==== newuidmap: open of uid_map failed: Permission denied エラーが発生する🤪 ====
 <WRAP color_term> <WRAP color_term>
 <WRAP color_command><html><pre> <WRAP color_command><html><pre>
行 4902: 行 5091:
 </WRAP> </WRAP>
-動いた😅一時的なものかもしれないが原因不明😇\\+動いた😅一時的なものかもしれないが原因不明だが <html><code>strace podman</code></html> すると治る😇\\
 <WRAP color_term> <WRAP color_term>
 <WRAP color_command><html><pre> <WRAP color_command><html><pre>
行 4933: 行 5122:
 [[|Universal Base Images (UBI): イメージ、リポジトリー、パッケージ、およびソースコード - Red Hat Customer Portal]]\\ [[|Universal Base Images (UBI): イメージ、リポジトリー、パッケージ、およびソースコード - Red Hat Customer Portal]]\\
 [[|2039261 – dnf --installroot ignores gpg keys in installroot path and requires them to be present in the default path]]\\ [[|2039261 – dnf --installroot ignores gpg keys in installroot path and requires them to be present in the default path]]\\
 +[[|【UBI】Red Hatの新しい最軽量コンテナーイメージ:UBI Microの紹介 - 赤帽エンジニアブログ]]\\
 [[|unix - Start a systemd service inside chroot from a non systemd based rootfs - Super User]] [[gtr>|翻訳]]\\ [[|unix - Start a systemd service inside chroot from a non systemd based rootfs - Super User]] [[gtr>|翻訳]]\\
行 4939: 行 5129:
 [[git>containers/podman/issues/3212|rootless: allow binding privileged ports with CAP_NET_BIND_SERVICE file cap · Issue #3212 · containers/podman]] [[gtr>|翻訳]]\\ [[git>containers/podman/issues/3212|rootless: allow binding privileged ports with CAP_NET_BIND_SERVICE file cap · Issue #3212 · containers/podman]] [[gtr>|翻訳]]\\
 [[so>questions/413807/is-there-a-way-for-non-root-processes-to-bind-to-privileged-ports-on-linux|Is there a way for non-root processes to bind to "privileged" ports on Linux? - Stack Overflow]]\\ [[so>questions/413807/is-there-a-way-for-non-root-processes-to-bind-to-privileged-ports-on-linux|Is there a way for non-root processes to bind to "privileged" ports on Linux? - Stack Overflow]]\\
 +[[|Speeding up container image builds with Buildah | Enable Sysadmin]]\\
 ==== 付録 ==== ==== 付録 ====
  • linux/podman.txt
  • 最終更新: 2024/05/27 09:36
  • by ともやん