



両方とも前のリビジョン 前のリビジョン
linux:samba:samba_ad_dc_replication [2013/10/17 06:12] – [パッケージインストール] ともやんlinux:samba:samba_ad_dc_replication [2013/11/20 16:17] – [パッケージインストール] ともやん
行 6: 行 6:
 ===== パッケージインストール ===== ===== パッケージインストール =====
 <code> <code>
-$ sudo yum install samba samba-dc samba-client tdb-tools psmisc krb5-workstation --enablerepo=mgc+$ sudo yum install samba samba-dc samba-client bind-utils \ 
 +tdb-tools psmisc krb5-workstation --enablerepo=mgc
 </code> </code>
 +$ sudo yum install samba-winbind-clients --enablerepo=mgc
 ===== Kerberosクライアントのデフォルト設定 ===== ===== Kerberosクライアントのデフォルト設定 =====
行 40: 行 45:
 #  admin_server = #  admin_server =
 # } # }
- FIREBALL.LOCAL = {            <- + FIREBALL.LOCAL = {             <- 
-  kdc = blue-dc.fireball.local <- 追記 +  kdc = blue-dc.fireball.local  <- 追記 
-                             <-+  kdc = blue-dc1.fireball.local <- 
 +                              <-
 [domain_realm] [domain_realm]
行 50: 行 56:
  fireball.local = FIREBALL.LOCAL  <-  fireball.local = FIREBALL.LOCAL  <-
 </code> </code>
 +===== Kerberosの動作確認 =====
 +$ kinit administrator
 +Password for administrator@FIREBALL.LOCAL: <- パスワードを入力
 +Warning: Your password will expire in 41 days on 2013年11月20日 01時23分51秒
 +===== DCとしてドメインへ参加 =====
 +==== 設定ファイルのバックアップ ====
 +$ sudo mv /etc/samba/smb.conf /etc/samba/
 +$ sudo rm /etc/samba/smb.conf
 +※smb.confを移動 or 削除しないとsamba-toolでエラーが発生する。
 +==== DCのドメイン参加 ====
 +$ sudo samba-tool domain join fireball.local DC -Uadministrator --realm=fireball.local
 +Finding a writeable DC for domain 'fireball.local'
 +Found DC blue-dc.fireball.local
 +Password for [WORKGROUP\administrator]: <-パスワードを入力
 +workgroup is FIREBALL
 +realm is fireball.local
 +checking sAMAccountName
 +Adding CN=BLUE-DC2,OU=Domain Controllers,DC=fireball,DC=local
 +Adding CN=BLUE-DC2,CN=Servers,CN=Default-First-Site-Name,CN=Sites,CN=Configuration,DC=fireball,DC=local
 +Adding CN=NTDS Settings,CN=BLUE-DC2,CN=Servers,CN=Default-First-Site-Name,CN=Sites,CN=Configuration,DC=fireball,DC=local
 +Adding SPNs to CN=BLUE-DC2,OU=Domain Controllers,DC=fireball,DC=local
 +Setting account password for BLUE-DC2$
 +Enabling account
 +Calling bare provision
 +No IPv6 address will be assigned
 +Provision OK for domain DN DC=fireball,DC=local
 +Starting replication
 +Schema-DN[CN=Schema,CN=Configuration,DC=fireball,DC=local] objects[402/1550] linked_values[0/0]
 +Schema-DN[CN=Schema,CN=Configuration,DC=fireball,DC=local] objects[804/1550] linked_values[0/0]
 +Schema-DN[CN=Schema,CN=Configuration,DC=fireball,DC=local] objects[1206/1550] linked_values[0/0]
 +Schema-DN[CN=Schema,CN=Configuration,DC=fireball,DC=local] objects[1550/1550] linked_values[0/0]
 +Analyze and apply schema objects
 +Partition[CN=Configuration,DC=fireball,DC=local] objects[402/1615] linked_values[0/0]
 +Partition[CN=Configuration,DC=fireball,DC=local] objects[804/1615] linked_values[0/0]
 +Partition[CN=Configuration,DC=fireball,DC=local] objects[1206/1615] linked_values[0/0]
 +Partition[CN=Configuration,DC=fireball,DC=local] objects[1608/1615] linked_values[0/0]
 +Partition[CN=Configuration,DC=fireball,DC=local] objects[1615/1615] linked_values[28/0]
 +Replicating critical objects from the base DN of the domain
 +Partition[DC=fireball,DC=local] objects[97/97] linked_values[28/0]
 +Partition[DC=fireball,DC=local] objects[365/268] linked_values[28/0]
 +Done with always replicated NC (base, config, schema)
 +Replicating DC=DomainDnsZones,DC=fireball,DC=local
 +Partition[DC=DomainDnsZones,DC=fireball,DC=local] objects[57/57] linked_values[0/0]
 +Replicating DC=ForestDnsZones,DC=fireball,DC=local
 +Partition[DC=ForestDnsZones,DC=fireball,DC=local] objects[18/18] linked_values[0/0]
 +Partition[DC=ForestDnsZones,DC=fireball,DC=local] objects[36/18] linked_values[0/0]
 +Committing SAM database
 +Sending DsReplicateUpdateRefs for all the replicated partitions
 +Setting isSynchronized and dsServiceName
 +Setting up secrets database
 +Joined domain FIREBALL (SID S-1-5-21-4124656217-1713613446-3469194152) as a DC
 +==== 生成された設定ファイルの修正 ====
 +$ cat /etc/samba/smb.conf
 +<code autoconf>
 +# Global parameters
 +        workgroup = FIREBALL
 +        realm = fireball.local
 +        netbios name = BLUE-DC2
 +        server role = active directory domain controller
 +        dns forwarder = <- 最初に構築したDCのIPアドレスを追記
 +        idmap_ldb:use rfc2307 = yes  <- 追記
 +        printing = bsd               <- 追記
 +        path = /var/lib/samba/sysvol/fireball.local/scripts
 +        read only = No
 +        path = /var/lib/samba/sysvol
 +        read only = No
 +===== サービス定義ファイルの作成 =====
 +$ sudo vi /lib/systemd/system/samba.service
 +<code ini>
 +Description=Samba Active Directory Domain Controller Daemon named.service
 +ExecStart=/usr/sbin/samba $SAMBAOPTIONS
 +ExecReload=/usr/bin/kill -HUP $MAINPID
 +ExecStop=/usr/bin/killall samba
 +===== サービス自動起動設定 =====
 +$ sudo systemctl enable samba.service
 +===== サービス起動 =====
 +$ sudo systemctl start samba.service
 +===== DC間のレプリケーション動作確認 =====
 +$ sudo samba-tool drs showrepl
 +DSA Options: 0x00000001
 +DSA object GUID: 7072208a-a934-4288-8df9-7f6140af0ee0
 +DSA invocationId: 0cc44a03-f4b5-45e5-9355-d73c65ef8206
 +        Default-First-Site-Name\BLUE-DC via RPC
 +                DSA object GUID: ea201fc1-7580-4e6f-b041-8ee42f472a9a
 +                Last attempt @ Thu Oct 17 06:49:58 2013 JST was successful
 +                0 consecutive failure(s).
 +                Last success @ Thu Oct 17 06:49:58 2013 JST
 +        Default-First-Site-Name\BLUE-DC via RPC
 +                DSA object GUID: ea201fc1-7580-4e6f-b041-8ee42f472a9a
 +                Last attempt @ Thu Oct 17 06:49:58 2013 JST was successful
 +                0 consecutive failure(s).
 +                Last success @ Thu Oct 17 06:49:58 2013 JST
 +        Default-First-Site-Name\BLUE-DC via RPC
 +                DSA object GUID: ea201fc1-7580-4e6f-b041-8ee42f472a9a
 +                Last attempt @ Thu Oct 17 06:49:58 2013 JST was successful
 +                0 consecutive failure(s).
 +                Last success @ Thu Oct 17 06:49:58 2013 JST
 +        Default-First-Site-Name\BLUE-DC via RPC
 +                DSA object GUID: ea201fc1-7580-4e6f-b041-8ee42f472a9a
 +                Last attempt @ Thu Oct 17 06:49:58 2013 JST was successful
 +                0 consecutive failure(s).
 +                Last success @ Thu Oct 17 06:49:58 2013 JST
 +        Default-First-Site-Name\BLUE-DC via RPC
 +                DSA object GUID: ea201fc1-7580-4e6f-b041-8ee42f472a9a
 +                Last attempt @ Thu Oct 17 06:49:58 2013 JST was successful
 +                0 consecutive failure(s).
 +                Last success @ Thu Oct 17 06:49:58 2013 JST
 +Connection --
 +        Connection name: 4bd1dee9-545a-4ba1-ba73-0926e3fb22e7
 +        Enabled        : TRUE
 +        Server DNS name : blue-dc.fireball.local
 +        Server DN name  : CN=NTDS Settings,CN=BLUE-DC,CN=Servers,
 +                TransportType: RPC
 +                options: 0x00000001
 +Warning: No NC replicated for Connection!
 +===== 参考文献 =====
 +[[|CentOS6 Samba4でドメインコントローラを冗長化]]\\
 +[[|Samba4/HOWTO/Join a domain as a DC - SambaWiki]]\\
  • linux/samba/samba_ad_dc_replication.txt
  • 最終更新: 2019/05/18 02:23
  • by 非ログインユーザー