Everything - 高速ファイル検索
Scoop によるインストール。
ダウンロード元として extras バケットを追加する。
PS > scoop bucket add extras
Checking repo... ok The extras bucket was added successfully.
Everything をインストールする。
PS > scoop install everything
Installing 'everything' ( [64bit] Everything- (1.5 MB) [===================================================] 100% Checking hash of Everything- ... ok. Extracting Everything- ... done. Running pre-install script... Linking ~\scoop\apps\everything\current => ~\scoop\apps\everything\ Creating shim for 'Everything'. Creating shortcut for Everything (Everything.exe) Persisting Everything.db Persisting Everything.ini 'everything' ( was installed successfully!
ju2pom/EverythingNet: A .fluent NET library for the great Everything Search library from voidtools
Everything SDK - voidtools
高速なファイル名検索ソフト Everything をWindows利用中の開発者にお勧めしたい - Qiita
Python Everything SDK Example - voidtools forum
Python - voidtools
How can I use a DLL file from Python? - Stack Overflow
python - Convert datetime back to Windows 64-bit FILETIME - Stack Overflow
How to convert ctypes' c_long to Python's int? - Stack Overflow
python - Returning string from C++ function with ctypes gives large int, not char pointer - Stack Overflow