Gow (Gnu On Windows) - Linux コマンド群 (Cygwin 軽量版)
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ソースコード: bmatzelle/gow: Unix command line utilities installer for Windows.
Gow (Gnu On Windows) は、Cygwin の軽量な代替品です。便利な Windows インストーラーを使用して、ネイティブの win32 バイナリとしてコンパイルされた約 130 の非常に便利なオープンソース UNIX アプリケーションをインストールする。
オプションによっては 100 MB をはるかに超えて実行できる Cygwin とは対照的に、それは可能な限り小さく、約 10 MBに設計されている。
bmatzelle/gow: Unix command line utilities installer for Windows. より
Scoop によるインストール。
$ scoop install gow
Installing 'gow' (0.8.0) [64bit] Gow-0.8.0.exe (8.7 MB) [======================================================================================] 100% Checking hash of Gow-0.8.0.exe ... ok. Extracting dl.7z ... done. Running pre-install script... Linking ~\scoop\apps\gow\current => ~\scoop\apps\gow\0.8.0 Creating shim for 'awk'. Creating shim for 'basename'. Creating shim for 'bash'. Creating shim for 'bc'. Creating shim for 'bison'. Creating shim for 'bunzip2'. Creating shim for 'bzip2'. Creating shim for 'bzip2recover'. Creating shim for 'cat'. Creating shim for 'chgrp'. Creating shim for 'chmod'. Creating shim for 'chown'. Creating shim for 'chroot'. Creating shim for 'cksum'. Creating shim for 'clear'. Creating shim for 'cp'. Creating shim for 'csplit'. Creating shim for 'curl'. Creating shim for 'cut'. Creating shim for 'dc'. Creating shim for 'dd'. Creating shim for 'df'. Creating shim for 'diff'. Creating shim for 'diff3'. Creating shim for 'dirname'. Creating shim for 'dos2unix'. Creating shim for 'du'. WARN Overwriting shim to du.exe installed from sysinternals Creating shim for 'egrep'. Creating shim for 'env'. Creating shim for 'expand'. Creating shim for 'expr'. Creating shim for 'factor'. Creating shim for 'fgrep'. Creating shim for 'flex'. Creating shim for 'fmt'. Creating shim for 'fold'. Creating shim for 'gawk'. Creating shim for 'gfind'. Creating shim for 'gow'. Creating shim for 'grep'. Creating shim for 'gsar'. Creating shim for 'gsort'. Creating shim for 'gzip'. Creating shim for 'head'. Creating shim for 'hostid'. Creating shim for 'hostname'. Creating shim for 'id'. Creating shim for 'indent'. Creating shim for 'install'. Creating shim for 'join'. Creating shim for 'jwhois'. Creating shim for 'less'. Creating shim for 'lesskey'. Creating shim for 'ln'. Creating shim for 'ls'. Creating shim for 'm4'. Creating shim for 'make'. Creating shim for 'md5sum'. Creating shim for 'mkdir'. Creating shim for 'mkfifo'. Creating shim for 'mknod'. Creating shim for 'mv'. Creating shim for 'nano'. Creating shim for 'ncftp'. Creating shim for 'nl'. Creating shim for 'od'. Creating shim for 'pageant'. Creating shim for 'paste'. Creating shim for 'patch'. Creating shim for 'pathchk'. Creating shim for 'plink'. Creating shim for 'pr'. Creating shim for 'printenv'. Creating shim for 'printf'. Creating shim for 'pscp'. Creating shim for 'psftp'. Creating shim for 'putty'. Creating shim for 'puttygen'. Creating shim for 'pwd'. Creating shim for 'rm'. Creating shim for 'rmdir'. Creating shim for 'scp'. WARN Overwriting shim to scp.bat installed from openssh Creating shim for 'sdiff'. Creating shim for 'sed'. Creating shim for 'seq'. Creating shim for 'sftp'. WARN Overwriting shim to sftp.bat installed from openssh Creating shim for 'sha1sum'. Creating shim for 'shar'. Creating shim for 'sleep'. Creating shim for 'split'. Creating shim for 'ssh'. WARN Overwriting shim to ssh.bat installed from openssh Creating shim for 'su'. Creating shim for 'sum'. Creating shim for 'sync'. WARN Overwriting shim to sync.exe installed from sysinternals Creating shim for 'tac'. Creating shim for 'tail'. Creating shim for 'tar'. Creating shim for 'tee'. Creating shim for 'test'. Creating shim for 'touch'. Creating shim for 'tr'. Creating shim for 'uname'. Creating shim for 'unexpand'. Creating shim for 'uniq'. Creating shim for 'unix2dos'. Creating shim for 'unlink'. Creating shim for 'unrar'. Creating shim for 'unshar'. Creating shim for 'uudecode'. Creating shim for 'uuencode'. Creating shim for 'vim'. WARN Overwriting shim to vim.exe installed from vim Creating shim for 'wc'. Creating shim for 'wget'. Creating shim for 'whereis'. Creating shim for 'which'. Creating shim for 'whoami'. Creating shim for 'xargs'. Creating shim for 'yes'. Creating shim for 'zip'. Running post-install script... Directory: C:\Users\tomoyan\scoop\apps\gow\current Mode LastWriteTime Length Name ---- ------------- ------ ---- d---- 2020/05/03 1:14 etc 'gow' (0.8.0) was installed successfully!
$ scoop install gow --global
Installing 'gow' (0.8.0) [64bit] Gow-0.8.0.exe (8.7 MB) [======================================================================================] 100% Checking hash of Gow-0.8.0.exe ... ok. Extracting dl.7z ... done. Running pre-install script... Linking C:\ProgramData\scoop\apps\gow\current => C:\ProgramData\scoop\apps\gow\0.8.0 Creating shim for 'awk'. Creating shim for 'basename'. Creating shim for 'bash'. Creating shim for 'bc'. Creating shim for 'bison'. Creating shim for 'bunzip2'. Creating shim for 'bzip2'. Creating shim for 'bzip2recover'. Creating shim for 'cat'. Creating shim for 'chgrp'. Creating shim for 'chmod'. Creating shim for 'chown'. Creating shim for 'chroot'. Creating shim for 'cksum'. Creating shim for 'clear'. Creating shim for 'cp'. Creating shim for 'csplit'. Creating shim for 'curl'. Creating shim for 'cut'. Creating shim for 'dc'. Creating shim for 'dd'. Creating shim for 'df'. Creating shim for 'diff'. Creating shim for 'diff3'. Creating shim for 'dirname'. Creating shim for 'dos2unix'. Creating shim for 'du'. Creating shim for 'egrep'. Creating shim for 'env'. Creating shim for 'expand'. Creating shim for 'expr'. Creating shim for 'factor'. Creating shim for 'fgrep'. Creating shim for 'flex'. Creating shim for 'fmt'. Creating shim for 'fold'. Creating shim for 'gawk'. Creating shim for 'gfind'. Creating shim for 'gow'. Creating shim for 'grep'. Creating shim for 'gsar'. Creating shim for 'gsort'. Creating shim for 'gzip'. Creating shim for 'head'. Creating shim for 'hostid'. Creating shim for 'hostname'. Creating shim for 'id'. Creating shim for 'indent'. Creating shim for 'install'. Creating shim for 'join'. Creating shim for 'jwhois'. Creating shim for 'less'. Creating shim for 'lesskey'. Creating shim for 'ln'. Creating shim for 'ls'. Creating shim for 'm4'. Creating shim for 'make'. Creating shim for 'md5sum'. Creating shim for 'mkdir'. Creating shim for 'mkfifo'. Creating shim for 'mknod'. Creating shim for 'mv'. Creating shim for 'nano'. Creating shim for 'ncftp'. Creating shim for 'nl'. Creating shim for 'od'. Creating shim for 'pageant'. Creating shim for 'paste'. Creating shim for 'patch'. Creating shim for 'pathchk'. Creating shim for 'plink'. Creating shim for 'pr'. Creating shim for 'printenv'. Creating shim for 'printf'. Creating shim for 'pscp'. Creating shim for 'psftp'. Creating shim for 'putty'. Creating shim for 'puttygen'. Creating shim for 'pwd'. Creating shim for 'rm'. Creating shim for 'rmdir'. Creating shim for 'scp'. Creating shim for 'sdiff'. Creating shim for 'sed'. Creating shim for 'seq'. Creating shim for 'sftp'. Creating shim for 'sha1sum'. Creating shim for 'shar'. Creating shim for 'sleep'. Creating shim for 'split'. Creating shim for 'ssh'. Creating shim for 'su'. Creating shim for 'sum'. Creating shim for 'sync'. Creating shim for 'tac'. Creating shim for 'tail'. Creating shim for 'tar'. Creating shim for 'tee'. Creating shim for 'test'. Creating shim for 'touch'. Creating shim for 'tr'. Creating shim for 'uname'. Creating shim for 'unexpand'. Creating shim for 'uniq'. Creating shim for 'unix2dos'. Creating shim for 'unlink'. Creating shim for 'unrar'. Creating shim for 'unshar'. Creating shim for 'uudecode'. Creating shim for 'uuencode'. Creating shim for 'vim'. Creating shim for 'wc'. Creating shim for 'wget'. Creating shim for 'whereis'. Creating shim for 'which'. Creating shim for 'whoami'. Creating shim for 'xargs'. Creating shim for 'yes'. Creating shim for 'zip'. Running post-install script... Directory: C:\ProgramData\scoop\apps\gow\current Mode LastWriteTime Length Name ---- ------------- ------ ---- d---- 2020/05/16 2:42 etc 'gow' (0.8.0) was installed successfully!
$ uname -a
windows32 Cmon 2.6.2 9200 i686-pc Intel unknown MinGW
Win32 ユーティリティ概要
以下は、Gow にある 100 以上のアプリケーションのほんの一部である。
- シェルスクリプト: bash、zsh
- 圧縮: tar、gzip、zip、bzip2、compress
- SSH: putty、psftp、pscp、pageant、plink
- ダウンロード/アップロード: cURL、wget
- 編集: vim、nano
- テキスト検索/表示: grep、agrep、less、cat、tail、head
- ファイルシステム: mv、cp、du、ls、pwd、rmdir、whereis
- 圧縮: xz