
じゅ〜ちゅ泥棒回路 (Joüle Thiëf) - 回路脳🧠を鍛える低電圧発振回路パズル🧩

Flashlight With Joule Thief - Instructables 翻訳

Flashlite with Joule Thief

joule-thief_2.circuitjs.txt フル画面

本家: https://www.falstad.com/circuit/circuitjs.html
ソースコード: sharpie7/circuitjs1: Electronic Circuit Simulator in the Browser 翻訳

フルスクリーン: https://www.falstad.com/circuit/circuitjs.html?startCircuit=joule-thief.txt


<iframe src="https://www.falstad.com/circuit/circuitjs.html?hideMenu=true&running=false&startCircuit=joule-thief.txt" loading="lazy"></iframe>
$ 1 5e-9 6.450009306485578 52 1 66 5e-11
T 288 192 336 224 6 4.0000000000000003e-7 6 1.8447320841407047e-7 -0.000018276110894335712 0.999
t 336 256 368 256 0 1 -1.007607600900669 0.4922891316260555 100 default
w 368 224 368 240 0
r 288 192 288 160 0 1000
w 288 224 288 256 0
w 368 272 368 288 0
w 368 288 224 288 0
w 288 160 192 160 0
w 416 288 368 288 0
v 192 288 192 160 0 0 40 1.5 0 0 0.5
c 224 288 224 192 0 1e-7 -0.4922737823812803 0.001
w 192 288 224 288 0
w 224 192 288 192 0
r 288 256 336 256 0 10
c 416 224 416 288 0 0.00001 1.8791116018399314 0.001
d 368 224 416 224 3 default
w 416 224 480 224 0
w 480 288 416 288 0
w 288 160 336 160 0
w 336 160 336 192 0
w 336 224 368 224 0
162 480 224 480 288 3 old-default-led 1 0 0 0.01
o 9 8 0 4355 2.5 0.2 0 2 9 3
o 14 8 0 4355 5 0.2 1 2 14 3
o 21 8 0 4099 5 0.05 2 2 21 3

  • hardware/electronic_circuit/joule_thief.txt
  • 最終更新: 2024/01/12 13:00
  • by ともやん